Tuesday, March 14, 2023


In geometry, a gnomon is a shape that, when added to a given shape, forms a larger shape that is similar to the original shape. The gnomon is often used to create squares, rectangles, or other regular polygons.

The word "gnomon" comes from the Greek word "gnome," which means "knowledge." In ancient times, a gnomon was a vertical stick or rod that was used to cast a shadow on the ground. The length of the shadow could be used to determine the time of day or the time of year.

Today, the term gnomon is most commonly used to refer to the projecting piece on a sundial that casts a shadow onto the dial face to indicate the time of day. The gnomon is usually a thin, pointed object that is positioned so that it is aligned with the Earth's axis of rotation.

In modern times, the concept of the gnomon has been used in a variety of fields, including mathematics, physics, and astronomy, to describe a shape or object that serves as a reference point or measuring tool.

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